Sunday, May 25, 2008

Grandpa's Turkey

Here are the pictures of Drake and Grandpa witht the turkey that he shot this morning!!!

So just when I was starting to get into the groove of this whole blogging thing I returned to my normal habbit of not doing it. Drake id growing like a weed and seems to do more and more things each and everyday. He is beginning to develop quite the personality and is as spoiled rotten as ever. Last week he began eating his first veggies. We started witrh Sweet Potatos and he seems to really like them. Tonight we will start squash so I'll let you know how that goes. He is stitting up on his own now for about ten to fifteen minutes at a time and he rolls over really well. Plus if he could just figure out how to get his butt and chest up at the same time he would be gone!!!!!! I think we are going to be in BIG trouble when he figures that out. Kari took some more pictures last week so head on over to her blog at to see those. As always she did a wonderful job. Well that is a ll I have for tonight I will try to keep this thing updated more as he continues to grow and change!!!!

1 comment:

Touch of Love Photography said...

I am SO proud of you for blogging! The turkey pics couldn't be cuter!!!