Monday, November 19, 2007

Don't Ya Just Love Professors Who Don't Show Up For Class!!!!

So I have to start by saying that I am way proud of myself for actually sitting down and doing this more than once in a months time. I know that once Drake is born I'm going to have to stay on top of this better so that my out of town family will be able to see how we are doing. For now I think I'm just going to try to fit it into my already crazy schedule.

So I drove all the way to Eastern this morning only to find out hat my first class had been canceled meaning that I now have until 3:30 to waste time before my next class starts. What makes this even better is that for once I have everything that I need to get accomplished for the week as far as school goes done. Go figure I'm prepared and now I get extra time. I should have known better thought seeing as to the fact that this professor is notorious for canceling class. I think last fall when I had her she missed something like three whole weeks throughout the semester. The worst part is that she didn't even email us because as usual I checked my email before I left the house this morning. Basically, I now have lots of time to waste and nothing to do.

This weekend was pretty quiet although I did get some baking done and I made the cookie dough for the cookies I am planning on making either Tuesday or Wednesday depending on what I'm doing. Well I guess that is all I have for now!!!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

It's Getting Close!!!!

First of all I have to say that once again I still suck at doing this. It seems that every time I decide to sit down and blog something else comes up and I end up putting it off. As yet another semester winds down I find myself overloaded with everything that I need to get done. I guess if I didn't procrastinate so much I would not have this problem but since I've been doing it for years I highly doubt that I'm going to change overnight. I have to say that I am doing much better than the last couple of semesters though.

My due date is only 22 days away which is crazy because I really don't know where the time has gone. But, I guess not finding out until your fifteen weeks along makes things go a lot faster. Part of me is ready for this to be over and the other part of me isn't. I really can't explain why I'm not ready but I guess it has to do with adding even more things to my already bust schedule. Deep down I know I can do it but at the same time its a little scary.

Next semester looks to be just as busy as I get closer to graduation(Finally) so wish me luck I'm going to need it badly. Once again I am taking six classes which amounts to 16 credit hours because two of them are only two credit hour courses. I've done this before but now I have to add Drake into the equation which I'm sure is going to make things even more interesting!!!! Well I guess that's all I have for now. Hopefully, once Drake is here I'll get better at this but who knows only time will tell.